Stiofán Grego WAS born in Belfast 1976, Ireland and grew up in an area of Belfast called Ballymurphy (Damurph - in Belfast slang). He directly experienced the political conflict which took place there, from his childhood until his early adulthood. A complicated, though thought provoking experience allowed him to find the creative outlet to express the questioning nature of his personality.

In his experience people are not attracted to each other by negativity, so his inspiration is to find positivity amongst the murkiness. To look for the original questions rather than repetitive answers. Stiofán´s art is raw emotion, not simply decoration.

“It's not about the beautiful face or the perfect hand as each one is different. We have all evolved with a set of emotions. This is what we can all relate to in some way or another, as they are all basically the same inner human chemical process.”